I was blessed with the most loving, selfless, humble mother for 24 years. As a child all I knew was that she was going to be there no matter what. My faith in her never wavered. Because she showed up.
Every. Single. Time.
I never doubted her, not once.
She saw us. All 5 of us. But if I’m honest it wasn’t until she transitioned that I finally was able to see her. It was as if her transition lifted a veil only to reveal what had been right in front of me the whole time.
I saw her late nights and early mornings. I saw the doubt and the worry. I saw the tears. I also saw the faith & I saw the love. I saw everything that it took for her to show up for us everyday.
I grappled so long with the idea that because of her not being here physically, I would never be able to express my gratitude. However, in the past 6 years God has shown me otherwise. His ways are not our ways. It transcends all space and time. That type of Love is supernatural. For my mother now knows she is seen, loved & heard.
So, while you can still smell the flowers…
To our mothers. We see you.
We see how you part seas of uncertainty to make pathways to our understanding..
We see how the momentary sacrifices of who you are, helps guides us into who God has called us to be.
We see the love you embody, even when it’s hard, even when it’s lonely, & even when it’s unrequited.
We will always see you. We will always love you. We will always appreciate you.
Without you there is no us.
Thank you to all the wonderful mothers who entrusted me to capture them and their families just in time for Mother’s day.
For allowing me to create visuals that showcase what nurture, patience and a safe space looks like embodied.
You are loved.
Happy Mothers Day!